Posted by alisonthompson on

Wednesday 15 May saw the Annual Royal Navy vs the Royal Marines Championships take place at HMS Temerare in Portsmouth.

This year, a few selected Washinkai referees and judges officiated.  Unfortunately, this year many servicemen were deployed which meant both the Karate and Taekwondo competitors were limited.  However, high standards were evident with the chosen few who could compete.

I would like to thank Shaz Shahid 6th Dan, Neil Benton 6th Dan, Chris Wateridge 5th Dan, Mike Beasley 5th Dan for helping the event run smoothly in both kata and kumite.

These Championships have always been held in order to select the members to represent the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines at the Armed Forces Championships (Navy vs Army vs RAF).  Our fighting services have asked the Washinkai organisation to officiate at this year’s Karate Championships which will be held in July 2019.