Posted by alisonthompson on

This was the second occasion that Andy Newman, 5th Dan, hosted the Washinkai Yudansha at his dojo in Medstead, Hampshire.

Shihan Thompson covered the history of the formation of Washinkai in depth. He discussed how in 1975, the Founder of Wado-Ryu, Hironori Ohtsuka, attended class at which Shihan Thompson was teaching. At this time, Ohtsuka explained in depth his philosophy of why karate was so beneficial for people to study.

Yudansha provide important training opportunities for 2nd kyu and above. At these sessions, people can train with their peers, as well as improve and polish their techniques for their next grading.

Washinkai does not hold pre-Dan grading courses.

Yudansha will be scheduled for the Spring and Autumn of each year. It is important for those who wish to grade attend as many courses and training sessions as possible.

Starting next season, Yudansha sessions will be by invitation only.